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You format dates with one of several format methods based on the
formatting parameters described earlier:
public final String format(Date date)
Returns a formatted string for date .
public abstract StringBuffer format(Date date, StringBuffer ap-
pendTo, FieldPosition pos)
Adds the formatted string for date to the end of appendTo .
public abstract StringBuffer format(Object obj, StringBuffer ap-
pendTo, FieldPosition pos)
Adds the formatted string for obj to the end of appendTo . The
object can be either a Date or a Number whose longValue is a
time in milliseconds.
The pos argument is a FieldPosition object that tracks the starting and
ending index for a specific field within the formatted output. You cre-
ate a FieldPosition object by passing an integer code that represents
the field that the object should track. These codes are static fields in
DateFormat , such as MINUTE_FIELD or MONTH_FIELD . Suppose you construct
a FieldPosition object pos with MINUTE_FIELD and then pass it as an ar-
gument to a format method. When format returns, the getBeginIndex and
getEndIndex methods of pos will return the start and end indices of the
characters representing minutes within the formatted string. A specific
formatter could also use the FieldPosition object to align the represen-
ted field within the formatted string. To make that happen, you would
first invoke the setBeginIndex and setEndIndex methods of pos , passing
the indices where you would like that field to start and end in the
formatted string. Exactly how the formatter aligns the formatted text
depends on the formatter implementation.
A DateFormat object can also be used to parse dates. Date parsing can
be lenient or not, depending on your preference. Lenient date parsing
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