Java Reference
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To get a date and time formatter that uses dates in short form and times
in full form in a Japanese locale, you would use
Locale japan = new Locale("jp", "JP");
Format fmt = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(
DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.FULL, japan
For all the various "get instance" methods, if both formatting style and
locale are specified the locale is the last parameter. The date/time meth-
ods require two formatting styles: the first for the date part, the second
for the time. The simplest getInstance method takes no arguments and
returns a date/time formatter for short formats in the default locale. The
getAvailableLocales method returns an array of Locale objects for which
date and time formatting is configured.
The following list shows how each formatting style is expressed for the
same date. The output is from a date/time formatter for U.S. locales,
with the same formatting mode used for both dates and times:
FULL: Friday, August 29, 1986 5:00:00 PM EDT
LONG: August 29, 1986 5:00:00 PM EDT
MEDIUM: Aug 29, 1986 5:00:00 PM
SHORT: 8/29/86 5:00 PM
Each DateFormat object has an associated calendar and time zone set by
the "get instance" method that created it. They are returned by getCal-
endar and getTimeZone , respectively. You can set these values by using
setCalendar and setTimeZone . Each DateFormat object has a reference to
a NumberFormat object for formatting numbers. You can use the meth-
ods getNumberFormat and setNumberFormat . (Number formatting is covered
briefly in Section 24.6.2 on page 710 .)
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