Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 12.25
h is host a nity
rule specifi es that
the selected group
of VMs must run on
the selected group
of ESXi hosts.
Figure 12.26
should ensure that
using multiple
required host a n-
ity rules creates the
desired results.
The Windows VM is in a group that is a member of two different host affinity rules.
As a result, the VM can only run on hosts that satisfy both rules.
DRS Host Group 1
DRS Host Group 2
While the different sorts of rules that DRS supports provide lots of l exibility, there might be
times when you need an even greater granularity. To satisfy that need for granularity, you can
modify or disable DRS on individual VMs in the cluster.
Configuring DRS VM Overrides
Although most VMs should be allowed to take advantage of the DRS balancing act, administra-
tors may be adamant that certain enterprise-critical VMs are not DRS candidates. However, the
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