Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
FT. The content within this tab is somewhat coni gurable. You can drag the different boxes
around, change their size, and expand categories to reveal more information. There are no
subsections of the Summary tab, but it does provide links to commonly performed host-
management tasks.
Monitor The Monitor tab displays all the monitoring information available about the
selected host and breaks it down into a number of subsections.
Issues The All Issues subsection lists any current coni guration problems with the
selected host; this could be any number of things, from a cluster coni guration to a net-
work issue. The triggered alarms area relates to alarms on this host that have not been
acknowledged or reset.
Performance The Performance subsection displays performance information for the
host, such as overall CPU utilization, memory utilization, disk I/O, and network through-
put. We'll discuss this area in more detail in Chapter 13.
Storage Reports The Storage Reports subsection brings together a number of important
storage-related pieces of information. For each VM on the selected host, the Storage Views
section shows the current multipathing status, the amount of disk space used, the amount
of snapshot space used, and the current number of disks.
Tasks All tasks related to the selected host are displayed here. The Tasks subsection
shows all tasks, the target object, which account initiated the task, which vCenter Server
was involved, and the result of the task.
Events Similar to the Tasks subsection, the Events subsection lists all events related to
the selected host, such as, for example, a triggered alarm. If a host is using almost its en-
tire RAM or if a host's CPU utilization is very high, you may see some triggered alarms.
Hardware Status The Hardware Status subsection displays sensor information on
hardware components such as fans, CPU temperature, power supplies, network interface
cards (NICs) and NIC i rmware, and more.
Log Browser The Log Browser allows the logs to be retrieved from the host and dis-
played for analysis. Any one of the host logs, such as the fdm log or the vmkernel log, can
be selected and then viewed once the log bundle has been requested from the host. There
are also advanced i lters to assist with log analysis.
Manage The Manage tab is where you will make coni guration changes to the host. Tasks
such as coni guring storage, coni guring the network, changing security settings, coni gur-
ing hardware, and so forth are all performed here.
Before we show you some of vCenter Server's other management features, we want to walk
you through the Manage tab in detail. This is where you'll perform almost all of the ESXi
host-coni guration tasks and where you're likely to spend a fair amount of time, at least in the
Examining Basic Host Confi guration
You've already seen the Coni guration tab of an ESXi host, when in Chapter 2 we showed you
how to coni gure NTP time synchronization. Now we want to spend a bit more time on it; how-
ever, in the Web Client, the Settings subsection is in the Host
Manage tab. You'll be visiting
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