Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
agents and tactics he may use. A new project undertaken by the Home-
land Security Department, the National Biodefense Analysis and Coun-
termeasures program, challenges the prohibitions of the treaty. Under
the aegis of this organization, genetic research, development, and testing
and even the modeling of production processes could be undertaken. Al-
though such activities would challenge the prohibitions in the BWC, a
Homeland Security official has justified these pursuits as defensive in in-
tent. But regardless of intent, the proposed activities would in effect give
the US a modern offensive BW capability. And is there any current need?
The likelihood that terrorists could create genetically engineered germs is
highly improbable. Intent can become a Trojan horse opening the door to
offensive capability. Finally, if the US undertakes these dubious projects,
it will promote proliferation and will be suspected of noncompliance by
other parties, especially those habitually suspicious of American inten-
tions. The US may once more be sowing dragon's teeth. 152
Why did the American BW program make so little progress in the post-
World War II period? The answer lies in the policy, the intelligence, the
organization, war plans and doctrine, and the degree of preparedness
pursued throughout the offensive phase.
The Nixon policy decisions on biological and toxin weapons marked the
end of the offensive period in biological warfare planning. It also marked
the close of a prolonged debate between those who wanted to develop
and use BW as though they were ordinary weapons of war and those
who thought that they were reprehensible weapons banned under cus-
tomary international law. In 1956, when the “no first use” policy was
abandoned, the former won the policy battle. However, they subse-
quently lost the war. The pivotal issue was the president's will. None of
the presidents from Eisenhower to Nixon had any itch to use CBW lethal
In the post-World War II period, the nuclear sword overshadowed all
other military preparedness efforts. Reliance on nuclear weapons for de-
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