Geoscience Reference
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can be used to extract the geodetic coordinates of the four corners of the
image. h is information is contained in the header of the HDF i le. Having
launched the HDF tool, we select on the uppermost directory called
naivasha.hdf and i nd a long list of i le attributes in the upper right panel of
the GUI, one of which is productmetadata.0 , which includes the attribute
scenefourcorners . We collect the coordinates of the four scene corners into a
single array inputpoints :
inputpoints(1,:) = [36.214332 -0.319922]; % upper left corner
inputpoints(2,:) = [36.096003 -0.878267]; % lower left corner
inputpoints(3,:) = [36.770406 -0.400443]; % upper right corner
inputpoints(4,:) = [36.652213 -0.958743]; % lower right corner
It is important to note that the coordinates contained in productmetadata.0
need to be l ipped in order to have x = longitudes and y = latitudes . h e four
corners of the image correspond to the pixels in the four corners of the
image, which we store in a variable named basepoints .
basepoints(1,:) = [1,1]; % upper left pixel
basepoints(2,:) = [1,4200]; % lower left pixel
basepoints(3,:) = [4100,1]; % upper right pixel
basepoints(4,:) = [4100,4200]; % lower right pixel
h e function fitgeotrans now takes the pairs of control points, inputpoints
and basepoints , and uses them to infer a spatial transformation matrix tform .
tform = fitgeotrans(inputpoints,basepoints,'affine');
We next determine the limits of the input for georeferencing (i.e., of
the original image naivasha_rgb ) using size , which yields xLimitsIn and
yLimitsIn . Adding a value of 0.5 to both xLimitsIn and yLimitsIn prevents the
edges of the image from being truncated during the ai ne transformation.
We then determine the limits of the output (i.e. of the georeferenced image,
which is subsequently called newnaivasha_rgb ) using outputLimits , which
yields XBounds and YBounds .
xLimitsIn = 0.5 + [0 size(naivasha_rgb,2)];
yLimitsIn = 0.5 + [0 size(naivasha_rgb,1)];
[XBounds,YBounds] = outputLimits(tform,xLimitsIn,yLimitsIn);
We then use imref2d to reference the image to a world (or global) coordinate
Rout = imref2d(size(naivasha_rgb),XBounds,YBounds);
An imref2d object encapsulates the relationship between the intrinsic
coordinates anchored to the rows and columns of the image, and the spatial
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