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location of the same row and column locations within a world coordinate
system. Finally, the ai ne transformation can be applied to the original RGB
composite naivasha_rgb in order to obtain a georeferenced version of the
satellite image newnaivasha_rgb with the same size as naivasha_rgb .
newnaivasha_rgb = imwarp(naivasha_rgb,tform,'OutputView',Rout);
An appropriate grid for the image can now be computed. h e grid is
typically dei ned by the minimum and maximum values for the longitude
and latitude. h e vector increments are then obtained by dividing the ranges
of the longitude and latitude by the array's dimensions and then subtracting
one from the results. Note the dif erence between the MATLAB numbering
convention and the common coding of maps used in published literature.
h e north/south sui x is generally replaced by a negative sign for south,
Fig. 8.3 Geoferenced RGB composite of a TERRA-ASTER image using the infrared bands
vnir_Band3n, 2 and 1 . h e result is displayed using imshow . Original image courtesy of
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