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yields contour matrix c and a handle h that can be used as input to the
function clabel , which labels contours automatically.
Alternatively, the plot can be labeled manually by selecting the manual option
in the function clabel . h is function places labels onto locations that have
been selected with the mouse. Labeling is terminated by pressing the return
[c,h] = contour(XI,YI,ZI,v);
Filled contours are an alternative to the empty contours used above. h is
function is used together with colorbar , which displays a legend for the plot.
In addition, we can plot the locations (small circles) and z -values (contour
labels) of the true data points (Fig. 7.6).
contourf(XI,YI,ZI,v), colorbar, hold on
text(data(:,1)+1,data(:,2),labels), hold off
A pseudocolor plot is generated using the function pcolor . Black contours
are also added at the same levels as in the above example.
pcolor(XI,YI,ZI), shading flat, hold on
contour(XI,YI,ZI,v,'k'), hold off
h e third dimension is added to the plot using the mesh command. We can
also use this example to introduce the function view(az,el) to specify the
direction of viewing, where az is the azimuth or horizontal rotation and el
is the elevation (both in degrees). h e values az =-37.5 and el =30 dei ne the
default view for all 3D plots,
mesh(XI,YI,ZI), view(-37.5,30)
whereas az =0 and el =90 is directly overhead and the default 2D view:
mesh(XI,YI,ZI), view(0,90)
h e function mesh provides one of many methods available in MATLAB for
3D presentation, another commonly used function being surf . h ei gure may
be rotated by selecting the Rotate 3D option on the Edit Tools menu. We also
introduce the function colormap , which uses predei ned color look-up tables
for 3D graphics. Typing help graph3d lists a number of built-in colormaps,
although colormaps can also be arbitrarily modii ed and generated by the
user. As an example we use the colormap hot , which is a black-red-yellow-
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