Geoscience Reference
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As a i rst example we load the synthetic time series containing 100 kyr, 40
kyr and 20 kyr cycles already used in the previous sections. Since the data are
unevenly spaced, we need to linearly interpolate the data to an evenly-spaced
time axis.
series1 = load('series1.txt');
t = 0 : 3 : 996;
series1L = interp1(series1(:,1),series1(:,2),t,'linear');
We start with the assumption that the phase space is only one-dimensional.
Calculating the distances between all points of the phase space trajectory
produces the distance matrix S .
N = length(series1L);
Fig. 5.22 Recurrence plots representing typical dynamical behaviors: a stationary uncorrelated
data (white noise), b periodic oscillation, c chaotic data (Roessler system), and d non-
stationary data with abrupt changes.
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