Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Clients have to send it correctly, completely and on time to the best of their knowledge in
order to avoid an offence under §7 of the BaustellV.
In the BaustellV, it is assumed that variations in construction operations will lead to the
content of the prior notice having to be revised. In this case it is decisive for the client to
judge whether new additional or different health and safety coordination tasks arise for
him on the site.
“Significant variations” according to §2 (2) BaustellV are defined as
- a change of the client or third parties appointed by him according to §4 BaustellV,
- a shortening of the duration of the construction works, if this means increased simulta-
neous or shift working that was not originally intended,
- a significant increase of the maximum number of employees working at the same time
or the number of employers or contractors on the site,
- a splitting of the contract from only one contractor to more than one company.
The flow diagram in Fig. 8-5 illustrates when a dependency on the extent of the works
or the number of simultaneously employed workers makes a new prior notice necessary.
Figure 8-5 Flow chart for
the determination of the
necessity of a new prior
notice according to the
Fig. 8-5a shows a form for a prior notice with all details that are relevant and required by
the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
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