Environmental Engineering Reference
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Cyanide (CN ), isoelectronic with CO, is a well-studied inhibitor of CODH
[ 32 - 34 ]. Several CODH crystal structures from different species with CN or CO
bound to the Ni atom in the C-cluster have been determined: that of CN -bound
CODH II Ch is included in Figure 3 [ 14 ]. A consensus is not achieved: compared to
the almost linear NC-Ni arrangement in CN -bound CODH II Ch , the CN -bound
CODH/ACS Mt and CO(formyl)-bound ACDS/CODH Mb reveal, respectively, a bent
NC-Ni structure with bond angle ~114 and a bent OC-Ni structure with bond angle
~107 [ 20 , 35 ]. The OH ligand remains on the pendant Fe in both structures.
Compared with the structure of CO 2 -bound CODH II Ch , the N-atom in CN -bound
CODH/ACS Mt and the O-atom in CO-bound ACDS/CODH Mb each overlay with
the corresponding O-atom from CO 2 in CO 2 -bound CODH II Ch whereas the C-atom
in both CN -bound ACS/CODH Mt and CO-bound ACDS/CODH Mb is displaced
from its position in CO 2 -bound CODH II Ch [ 8 ]. The shift in C-atom position could
facilitate the nucleophilic attack by OH . Interestingly, the crystal structure of
CODH II Ch incubated with n -butyl isocyanide at -320 mV reveals that the C-atom
from the plausible product “ n -butyl-isocyanate” binds to the Ni with a distorted
tetrahedral coordination geometry [ 36 ]. A second n -butyl-isocyanide is found in the
putative gas channel in CODH II Ch .
Introduction of CN to a sample of CODH/ACS Mt poised in the C red1 state
results in a new EPR signal with g av ¼
1.87, 1.78, 1.55) [ 23 , 33 , 34 , 37 ].
In contrast, no change in the EPR spectrum is observed when CN is introduced to
the C red2 state [ 37 ]. Further studies of 13 CN -bound CODH/ACS Mt by electron
nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy revealed a doublet peak in the
C red1 state - early evidence that CN ( 13 C nuclear spin I
1.72 ( g
) binds directly to the
C-cluster [ 38 , 39 ]. Experiments to evaluate if cyanate (NCO ) is an inhibitor
indicated that it binds also to C red1 even though (since it is an analogue of CO 2
not CO) it should display behavior opposite to that of CN : this result was puzzling,
but as we explain below, it was clarified by PFE experiments.
Some crystal structures of CODH II Ch revealed a
¼ ½
-sulfido ligand bridging the Ni
atom and the pendant Fe atom (Figure 3d ), and this observation led to suggestions
that an additional (5th) sulfide is necessary for catalysis [ 15 , 40 ]. In place of
inorganic sulfide (S 2 ), the thiolate sulfur from Cys531 was found to bridge the
Ni atom and the pendant Fe atom in the crystal structure of CODH Rr [ 21 ]. However,
crystal structures from recombinant CODH II expressed in E. coli and of CODH
from Moorella thermoacetica and Methanosarcina barkeri ( Mb ) revealed no pres-
ence of a 5th
-sulfido ligand [ 20 , 35 ]. The CO oxidation activities of CODH
measured by solution assays in the presence of sodium sulfide showed varying
results between different species and redox conditions [ 33 , 41 ]. The role of sulfide
is considered later when we discuss the PFE results.
Scheme 1 highlights a challenge for investigating enzymes such as CODHs that
catalyze redox reactions via rapid passage through a series of intermediates, the
presence (lifetime) of each of which depends on how fast or favorable are the electron
transfers that determine their existence. Direct coordination of a reactant or inhibitor,
or release of a product, should be selective for a particular oxidation state: the question
is, how to control and fine-tune the relative amounts of each state during catalysis and
simultaneously observe the effect on rate when reactant or inhibitor are introduced.
Not all inhibitors bind to active states: some exert their influence by facilitating redox
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