Java Reference
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After this sequence executes, car2 refers to the same object as car3 . The object referred to
by car1 is unchanged.
As explained, instance variables and methods are constituents of classes. So far, the Vehicle
class contains data, but no methods. Although data-only classes are perfectly valid, most
classes will have methods. Methods are subroutines that manipulate the data defined by the
class and, in many cases, provide access to that data. In most cases, other parts of your pro-
gram will interact with a class through its methods.
A method contains one or more statements. In well-written Java code, each method per-
forms only one task. Each method has a name, and it is this name that is used to call the
method. In general, you can give a method whatever name you please. However, remember
that main( ) is reserved for the method that begins execution of your program. Also, don't
use Java's keywords for method names.
When denoting methods in text, this topic has used and will continue to use a convention
that has become common when writing about Java. A method will have parentheses after
its name. For example, if a method's name is getval , it will be written getval( ) when its
name is used in a sentence. This notation will help you distinguish variable names from
method names in this topic.
The general form of a method is shown here:
Here, ret-type specifies the type of data returned by the method. This can be any valid type,
including class types that you create. If the method does not return a value, its return type
must be void . The name of the method is specified by name . This can be any legal identifi-
er other than those already used by other items within the current scope. The parameter-list
is a sequence of type and identifier pairs separated by commas. Parameters are essentially
variables that receive the value of the arguments passed to the method when it is called. If
the method has no parameters, the parameter list will be empty.
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