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Adding a Method to the Vehicle Class
As just explained, the methods of a class typically manipulate and provide access to the
data of the class. With this in mind, recall that main( ) in the preceding examples computed
the range of a vehicle by multiplying its fuel consumption rate by its fuel capacity. While
technically correct, this is not the best way to handle this computation. The calculation of
a vehicle's range is something that is best handled by the Vehicle class itself. The reason
for this conclusion is easy to understand: the range of a vehicle is dependent upon the ca-
pacity of the fuel tank and the rate of fuel consumption, and both of these quantities are
encapsulated by Vehicle . By adding a method to Vehicle that computes the range, you are
enhancing its object-oriented structure. To add a method to Vehicle , specify it within Ve-
hicle 's declaration. For example, the following version of Vehicle contains a method called
range( ) that displays the range of the vehicle.
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