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Future Directions of Earthworm Neuroethology
with Imaging Techniques
In this chapter, we briefl y introduced several imaging techniques that can be used to
understand the function of the ventral nervous system of the earthworm. These
experimental techniques are fundamental and nonrestrictive for studies of the earth-
worm, and combinatorial approaches with these methods will become powerful
tools to understand the behavior of this animal. For example, behavioral experi-
ments with FM1-43 staining may reveal the functional networks for specifi c behav-
iors. According to this line of work, we aim to visualize the specifi c neural networks
for fi ctive locomotion and also for associative learning between vibration and light.
Furthermore, Ca imaging is useful to observe the neural activity from many neurons
simultaneously. We successfully visualized several neurons using a dextran-
conjugated Ca indicator that was applied to the cut end of the segmental nerve cord
and measured neuronal activity during fi ctive locomotion. The combination of con-
ventional electrophysiology, Ca imaging, and FM1-43 will clarify the neuronal
basis of the behavior of the earthworm.
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