Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Write-Output $cityState
In this example each DataRow that was unrolled from the DataTable is piped to the
ForEach-Object cmdlet ( foreach alias) one at a time. Note that all the data is
still loaded into memory inside the DataTable in one database call; this just iterates
over them in a "lazy fashion".
For more information on the differences between the foreach statement
used in the irst example with the ForEach-Object cmdlet used
here, see:
powershell-understanding-foreach/ .
The other item of note in this script is the State/Province ield is checked to ensure it
is not equal to null, using [DBNull]::Value and not $null .
Using a DataReader
At times it may be beneicial to read one record at a time from Oracle, usually when iterating
through a large number of records.
We can do this using a function similar to Get-DataTable but returning a
DataReader instead:
function Get-DataReader
$cmd = New-Object Oracle.DataAccess.Client.
$reader = $cmd.ExecuteReader()
return ,$reader
We invoke the function in a similar fashion:
$sql = "select city, state_province from locations order by city,
$reader = Get-DataReader $conn $sql
The iteration changes to use $reader.Read() and string ields are read using the
DataReader 's GetString method, combined with GetOrdinal to get the position
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