Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The last line of the function returns the DataTable using return ,$dt ; the comma
("unary comma") is important as it prevents PowerShell from unrolling the collection of rows
of DataTable . By default PowerShell unrolls enumerable types, meaning that without the
comma the return type of this method would actually be Object[] (the Object array of
DataRow ) or a DataRow if only one record.
Generally this unrolling is desirable, as it is useful with piping so script blocks downstream
in the pipeline can start operating on items one at a time for faster output and perceived
performance. In the case of this script this is avoided since a small amount of data is
completely loaded in memory, there is no heavy processing, and the function implies
returning a consistent type of DataTable (with all of its functionality available).
Get-DataTable is passed the open connection object and an inline SQL string; for more
complex SQL you might want to use a multiline string or read the SQL from a ile. The output
from the function is captured in the $dt variable and the script outputs the count of rows and
then uses $dt | ft -auto to format the DataTable output as a table with the columns
auto-sized to the data.
Finally the script uses a foreach loop to iterate through each DataRow and perform
processing and close the connection when inished. The processing here is an arbitrary
calculation of eligibility based on being hired for 5 years or longer, with output based on
being eligible. Note that with PowerShell we were able to use $dr.hire_date to refer
to the hire_date ield without having to use $dr["hire_date"] .
There's more...
There are a few more basics to look at including other ways to iterate the data and handling
null checking.
Unrolling and null checking
Let's look at an example where we are not preventing the unrolling of the collection:
First we replace return ,$dt in Get-DataTable with return $dt
(removing the comma).
Next we change the code between the Connect-Oracle
(Get-ConnectionString) and $conn.Close() lines to the following:
$sql = "select city, state_province from locations order by city,
Get-DataTable $conn $sql | foreach {
$cityState = $
if ($_.state_province -ne [DBNull]::Value)
$cityState += ", " + $_.state_province
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