Graphics Reference
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servation movesoutsidetheselectorbox,weexpectthat theobservation isdeselected
assoonaspossible.histypeofrepainting requiresmuchcomputation andworksfor
only a limited number of observations. Another natural approach is to repaint when
the mouse button is released. If we use PointSelector and specify a rectangular
area, it is reasonable to repaint at the last moment of specifying the selector box; that
is,whenthe mousebutton isreleased.hisapproach iscomputationally light andap-
propriate when the number of observations is huge. We can choose these timings by
using the setDynamicChange method defined in the JasplotPanel class. If
we execute setDynamicChange(true) , real time repainting is executed. If we
execute setDynamicChange(false) ,repainting isperformedwhenwerelease
the mouse button.
Classes for Linked Views
We have explained mechanisms of selecting or brushing observations in a single sta-
tistical graphic. It is also important, however, to connect such operations across sev-
eral graphics; that is, to realize linked views or linked highlighting and linked brush-
ing. To do this, we must inform other graphics of changes in selected observations in
one graphic. his can be realized by the “Observer” and “Mediator” design patterns.
he Observer pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so
automatically (Gamma et al., ).
heobserver pattern allows one object (the observer) towatch another (the subject).
It forms a publish-subscribe relationship between the subject and the observer. Ob-
servers can register to receive events from the subject. When the subject needs to
inform its observers of an event, it simply sends the event to each observer.
In Jasplot, the PlotModelHandler object, accompanied by the DataModel
object, behaves as a subject. Observers are other graphics' JasplotPanel-
PaletteLayer objects that implement the PlotModelListener interface.
Observers can be registered by using the addPlotModelListener method in
the PlotModelHandler class. See Fig. . .
Consider that selected observations are changed by a selector operation. he
SelectingState object creates a PlotModelEvent object in which the se-
lected/unselected information for each observation is stored, and sets it by using
the setSelectedObservation method in the PlotModelHandler class.
It informs registered JasplotPanelPaletteLayer objects of the new Plot-
ModelEvent object. It executes the observationSelected(Plot-
ModelEvent e) method in the JasplotPanelPaletteLayer .Asthis
method executes the repaint method, each JasplotPanelPaletteLayer
object is repainted according to the new information.
We know that PlotModelEvent , PlotModelHandler and PlotModel-
Listener areassociatedwithchangesinthe PlotModel object.herearesimilar
classes, such as DataModelEvent , DataModelHandler and DataModel-
Listener , which can handle changes in DataModel objects; that is, changes in
datavalues,theadditionanddeletionofobservationsandvariables.A DataModel-
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