Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure . . Classes for linked views
Handler object is generated together with a DataModel object that is a subject.
PlotModel objects that implement the DataModelListener interface are ob-
servers. Observers are registered by a addDataModelListener method in the
DataModelHandler class.
PlotModelHandler and DataModelHandler are also examples of the
“Mediator” in the “Mediator” design pattern.
he Mediator pattern defines an object that encapsulates how a set of objects
interact. A mediator promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from refer-
ring to each other explicitly, and it lets you vary their interaction indepen-
dently (Gamma et al., ).
We sometimes notice that many objects need to communicate with each other. Such
mutual interactions may prevent an object from working without the support of
many other objects. he mediator pattern is a useful approach to use to solve such
ior, and behavioral management. he mediator pattern promotes loose coupling by
keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly. Objects do not need to know
about each other and only need to know their mediator. Several JasplotPanel-
PaletteLayer objectscommunicatewitha PlotModelHandler mediatorob-
ject. Figure . shows these classes.
Classes for Tables of Data
We sometimes wish to display a table of data that can be linked with graphics. Jas-
plot has two classes for this purpose: TableModel and TableDisplayer .he
TableModel classissimilar to PlotModel ,andtheconstructor methodrequires
a DataModel object as an argument. he TableDisplayer class is similar to
Plotter and displaysan TableModel object onthescreenbyusingthe JTable
classinSwing.Asitimplementsa PlotModelListener interface,the rowsspec-
ified by the observationSelected method are highlighted and linked with
other graphics of Jasplot via a PlotModelHandler .
A Class for Building Complicated Graphics
Jasplot provides a MultiPlotModel class for drawing several graphics on one
panel.his class extends the BasicPlotModel class and is inherited by the Box-
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