Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
OpenEXR is the preferred format for renders and render elements. Blender renders into a high
dynamic range, meaning that the render actually has a much larger gamut of light and shadow
than a monitor can properly display (“brighter than white” whites). The OpenEXR format will
handle these values properly so that later compositing and color correction will produce signifi -
cantly better results.
So if you were to build this render/composite tree from scratch you would:
Choose Composite Nodes from the header on a Node Editor window and enable Use Nodes
(Figure 15.14).
Remove any existing nodes by selecting everything ( A key) and deleting ( X key).
From the Spacebar toolbox, Add a Render Layers node from the Input menu (Figure 15.15).
Add an Image node from the Input menu, click Load New on the resulting node, and select the pre-
viously saved background image (Figure 15.16). The image brought in through this node must be the
same size as the overall rendered image, or the Vector Blur node that we will add late will fail.
With each input node selected successively, Add RGB Curves nodes from the Color menu
(Figure 15.17).
With both RGB Curves nodes selected, Add an Alpha Over node from the Color menu. Enable Convert-
Premul on the Alpha Over node to properly deal with Alpha edges and transparency (Figure 15.18).
Figure 15.14 Setting up a Node Editor window
Figure 15.15
Adding a Render Layers node
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