Database Reference
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Using this method, there will be a high probability that each document will already exist be-
fore your application needs to issue update operations. You'll also be able to prevent a regular
spike in activity for pre-allocation, and be able to eliminate document growth.
Retrieving data for a real-time chart
This example describes fetching the data from the above MongoDB system for use in gener-
ating a chart that displays the number of hits to a particular resource over the last hour.
We can use the following query in a find_one operation at the Python console to retrieve the
number of hits to a specific resource (i.e., /index.html ) with minute-level granularity:
>>> db . stats . daily . find_one (
{ 'metadata' : { 'date' : dt , 'site' : 'site-1' , 'page' : '/index.html' }},
{ 'minute' : 1 })
Alternatively, we can use the following query to retrieve the number of hits to a resource over
the last day, with hour-level granularity:
>>> db . stats . daily . find_one (
{ 'metadata' : { 'date' : dt , 'site' : 'site-1' , 'page' : '/foo.gif' }},
{ 'hourly' : 1 })
If we want a few days of hourly data, we can use a query in the following form:
>>> db . stats . daily . find (
'' : { '$gte' : dt1 , '$lte' : dt2 },
'' : 'site-1' ,
'' : '/index.html' },
{ '' : 1 , 'hourly' : 1 } },
sort = [( '' , 1 )])
To support these query operations, we need to create a compound index on the following daily
statistics fields: , , and , in that order. This is
because our queries have equality constraints on site and page , and a range query on date .
To create the appropriate index, we can execute the following code:
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