Database Reference
In-Depth Information
>>> db . stats . daily . ensure_index ([
( '' , 1 ),
( '' , 1 ),
( '' , 1 )])
Get data for a historical chart
To retrieve daily data for a single month, we can use the following query:
>>> db . stats . monthly . find_one (
{ 'metadata' :
{ 'date' : dt ,
'site' : 'site-1' ,
'page' : '/index.html' }},
{ 'daily' : 1 })
To retrieve several months of daily data, we can use a variation of the preceding query:
>>> db . stats . monthly . find (
'' : { '$gte' : dt1 , '$lte' : dt2 },
'' : 'site-1' ,
'' : '/index.html' },
{ '' : 1 , 'hourly' : 1 } },
sort = [( '' , 1 )])
To execute these queries efficiently, we need an index on the monthly aggregate similar to the
one we used for the daily aggregate:
>>> db . stats . monthly . ensure_index ([
( '' , 1 ),
( '' , 1 ),
( '' , 1 )])
This field order will efficiently support range queries for a single page over several months.
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