Database Reference
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def append_post ( collection , dest_userids , month , post ):
collection . update (
{ 'user_id' : { '$in' : sorted ( dest_userids ) },
'month' : month },
{ '$push' : { 'posts' : post } },
multi = True )
In order to quickly update the social.wall and collections, we once again
need an index on both user_id and month . This time, however, the ideal order on the indexes
is month , user_id . This is due to the fact that updates to these collections will always be for
the current month; having month appear first in the index makes the index right-aligned , re-
quiring significantly less memory to store the active part of the index.
However, in this case, since we already have an index user_id , month , which must be in that
order to enable sorting on month , adding a second index is unnecessary, and would end up
actually using more RAM to maintain two indexes. So even though this particular operation
would benefit from having an index on month , user_id , it's best to leave out any additional
indexes here.
Maintaining the Social Graph
In a social network, maintaining the social graph is an infrequent but essential operation. To
add a user other to the current user self 's circles, we'll need to run the following function:
def circle_user ( self , other , circle ):
circles_path = 'circles. %s . %s ' % ( circle , other [ '_id' ])
db . social . user . update (
{ '_id' : self [ '_id' ] },
{ '$set' : { circles_path : { 'name' : other [ 'name' ]} } })
follower_circles = 'followers. %s .circles' % self [ '_id' ]
follower_name = 'followers. %s .name' % self [ '_id' ]
db . social . user . update (
{ '_id' : other [ '_id' ] },
{ '$push' : { follower_circles : circle },
'$set' : { follower_name : self [ 'name' ] } })
Note that in this solution, previous posts of the other user are not added to the self user's
news feed or wall. To actually include these past posts would be an expensive and complex
operation, and goes beyond the scope of this use case.
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