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Of course, we must also support removing users from circles:
def uncircle_user ( self , other , circle ):
circles_path = 'circles. %s . %s ' % ( circle , other [ '_id' ])
db . social . user . update (
{ '_id' : self [ '_id' ] },
{ '$unset' : { circles_path : 1 } })
follower_circles = 'followers. %s .circles' % self [ '_id' ]
db . social . user . update (
{ '_id' : other [ '_id' ] },
{ '$pull' : { follower_circles : circle } })
# Special case -- 'other' is completely uncircled
db . social . user . update (
{ '_id' : other [ '_id' ], follower_circles : { '$size' : 0 } },
{ '$unset' : { 'followers.' + self [ '_id' } }})
In both the circling and uncircling cases, the _id is included in the update queries, so no addi-
tional indexes are required.
In order to scale beyond the capacity of a single replica set, we need to shard each of the
collections mentioned previously. Since the social.user , social.wall , and
collections contain documents that are specific to a given user, the user's _id field is an ap-
propriate shard key:
>>> db . command ( 'shardcollection' , '' , {
... 'key' : { '_id' : 1 } } )
{ "collectionsharded": "", "ok": 1 }
>>> db . command ( 'shardcollection' , '' , {
... 'key' : { 'user_id' : 1 } } )
{ "collectionsharded": "", "ok": 1 }
>>> db . command ( 'shardcollection' , '' , {
... 'key' : { 'user_id' : 1 } } )
{ "collectionsharded": "", "ok": 1 }
It turns out that using the posting user's _id is actually not the best choice for a shard key for . This is due to the fact that queries and updates to this table are done using the
_id field, and sharding on , while tempting, would require these updates to be broad-
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