Java Reference
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Figure 18. WakeupOnCollisonMovement event and usage
WakeupOnCollisionMovement(Bounds armingBounds)
// Constructs a new WakeupOnCollisionMovement criterion.
WakeupOnCollisionMovement(Node armingNode)
// Constructs a new WakeupOnCollisionMovement criterion.
WakeupOnCollisionMovement(Node armingNode, int speedHint)
// Constructs a new WakeupOnCollisionMovement criterion, where speedHint may be
// USE_BOUNDS - use geometric bounds as an approximation in computing collisions.
// USE_GEOMETRY - use geometry in computing collisions.
WakeupOnCollisionMovement(SceneGraphPath armingPath)
// Constructs a new WakeupOnCollisionMovement criterion.
WakeupOnCollisionMovement(SceneGraphPath armingPath, int speedHint)
// Constructs a new WakeupOnCollisionMovement criterion, where speedHint may be
Bounds getArmingBounds()
// Returns the bound an object used in specifying the collision condition.
SceneGraphPath getArmingPath()
// Returns the path used in specifying the collision condition.
Bounds getTriggeringBounds()
// Returns the bound of the object that caused the collision.
SceneGraphPath getTriggeringPath()
// Returns the path describing the object that caused the collision.
Figure 19. WakeupOnElapsedFrames and WakeupOnElapsedTime events and usage
WakeupOnElapsedFrames(int frameCount)
// Constructs a non-passive WakeupOnElapsedFrames criterion.
WakeupOnElapsedFrames(int frameCount, boolean passive)
// Constructs a new WakeupOnElapsedFrames criterion.
// Retrieve the elapsed frame count used when constructing a certain criterion.
WakeupOnElapsedTime(long miliseconds)
// Constructs a new WakeupOnElapsedTime criterion.
// Retrieve the WakeupCriterion's elapsed time used when constructing a certain criterion.
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