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A consequence of this reduction is that, for small q, there is no point in
pushing the algorithms of the previous sections very close to their limits: instead
of correcting J 0 0:001 errors one can much more cheaply correct J 0 1:001
errors and guess the remaining error.
More generally, one can build a w-error-correcting algorithm as follows: guess e
distinct error positions (probability w(w1)(we+1)=n(n1)(ne+1));
guess the error values (probability 1=(q1) e ); correct the errors; apply a (we)-
error-correcting algorithm. This takes (q 1) e n(n 1)(n e + 1)=w(w
1)(we + 1) repetitions on average.
Assume that q 2 (lg n) O(1) , that n=t 2 (lg n) O(1) , and that we bt=2c. The
average number of repetitions is then bounded by (2(q 1)n=t) e 2 (lg n) O(e) ;
i.e., by n O(1) if e 2 O((lg n)= lg lg n), and by n o(1) if e 2 o((lg n)= lg lg n). In
particular, this algorithm corrects J 0 +o((lg n)= lg lg n) errors using n +2+o(1) bit
operations, and corrects J 0 + O((lg n)= lg lg n) errors using n O(1) bit operations.
Application to Classical Goppa Codes
The code C is called a classical Goppa code if there is a monic degree-t
polynomial g 2 F q m [x] such that each i can be expressed as g( i )=A 0 ( i ). Here
A = Q i (x i ) 2 F q m [x] as in Sections 3 and 4. In this case C is denoted
q ( 1 ;:::; n ;g).
Sugiyama, Kasahara, Hirasawa, and Namekawa showed in [ 51 ] that
q ( 1 ;:::; n ; Y
g e i ) = q ( 1 ;:::; n ; Y
g e i +[e i modq=q1]
when the g i 's are distinct monic irreducible polynomials. Here [e i mod q = q
1] means 1 if ei i 2 fq 1; 2q 1;:::g, otherwise 0. For example, 2 (:::;g) =
2 (:::;g 2 ) if g is squarefree; this had been proven earlier by Goppa in [ 31 ] using
a different technique.
Write g = Q i g e i i and g = Q i g e i +[e i modq=q1 i . The Sugiyama{Kasahara{
Hirasawa{Namekawa identity q (:::;g) = q (:::;g) implies that one can corr ec t
w errors in q (:::;g) by using a ny w-error-correcting algorithm for q (:::;g).
If some ei i mod q = q 1 then g has larger d e gree than g, making all of these
error-correcting algorithms more effective for g than for g.
In particular, combining the SKHN identity with Berlekamp's algorithm cor-
rects bqt=2c errors in \wild Goppa codes" q (:::;g q1 ) with squarefree g. Com-
bining the SKHN id entity with the Guruswami{Sudan algorithm corrects nearly
n p n(nqt 1) errors in the same codes in polynomial time, as discussed in
[ 12 , Section 5]. Combin ing the SKHN identity with the Koetter{Vardy algorithm
corrects nearly n 0 p n 0 (n 0 qt 1) errors in polynomial time, as pointed out
in [ 4 ]. Combining the SKHN identity with the algorithm in this paper corrects
even more errors in polynomial time.
See also [ 5 ] for a different approach that decodes more errors in some cases,
particularly for q = 3.
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