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and (1w=nk=`) 2 + (w=n(q 1)j=`) 2 =(q1) + k=` 2 + (q1)j=` 2 = 1=`;
so w;j;k;` are in the parameter space if 1 (t + 1)=n + 1=2(q 1)n 2 < (1
w=n) 2 + (w=n) 2 =(q 1), i.e., (q 1)n(nt 1) + 1=2 < (q 1)(nw) 2 + w 2 .
Both (q1)n(nt1) and (q1)(nw) 2 + w 2 are integers, so this inequality
holds if and only if (q1)n(nt1) < (q1) (nw) 2 +w 2 , which is equivalent
to (n 0 w) 2 > n 0 (n 0 t 1), i.e., w < n 0 p n 0 (n 0 t 1).
These parameters have ` 2 O(n 2 ) if q 2 O(1); and ` n 2 (lg n) O(1) if q 2
(lg n) O(1) ; and ` 2 n O(1) if q 2 n O(1) . If q grows superpolynomially with n then
this algorithm obviously cannot run in polynomial time, except in the special
case j = 0 covered in the previous section. Such a large q would also force the
F q Johnson bound to be extremely close to the big-field Johnson bound; if there
is an integer w between the two bounds then correcting w errors in polynomial
time is, as far as I know, an open problem.
My main interest is in small q and, as in the previous section, small `. It seems
reasonable, although not always exactly optimal, to choose k as b(1 w=n)`c
and j as b(w=n)`=(q 1)c. Then 0 j k since (w=n)=(q1) 1w=n, and
` (q 1)j + k. These choices also guarantee that (1 w=nk=`) 2 < 1=` 2 ,
that k=` 2 (1w=n)=`, that (w=n(q1)j=`) 2 =(q1) < (q1)=` 2 , and that
(q1)j=` 2 (w=n)=`, so w;j;k;` are in the parameter space if (1(t+1)=n)(1
1=`) (1w=n) 2 + (w=n) 2 =(q1)1=`q=` 2 ; i.e., 1(t+ 1)=n+ (t+ 1)=n`
(1 w=n) 2 + (w=n) 2 =(q 1) q=` 2 ; i.e., (1 J 0 =n) 2 + (J 0 =n) 2 =(q 1) + (t +
1)=n` + q=` 2 (1 w=n) 2 + (w=n) 2 =(q 1); i.e.,
J 0 w (t + 1)=` + qn=` 2
2 (w + J 0 )=n 0 :
Assume from now on that q 2 (lg n) O(1) . Then t n=m (n lg q)= lg n 2
O((n lg lg n)= lg n), so w and J 0 are both bounded by O((n lg lg n)= lg n), so 2
(w + J 0 )=n 0 is bounded below by 1 for all suciently large n. If the gap J 0 w
is at least 1 then one can pus h (t + 1)=` + qn=` 2 below J 0 w by taking ` larger
than both 2(t + 1) and p 2qn; this is achievable with ` 2 O(n). If the gap J 0 w
is at least n=(lg n) O(1) then one can take ` 2 (lg n) O(1) .
Correcting More Errors
One can trivially build a w-error-correcting algorithm from a (w 1)-error-
correcting algorithm as follows: guess an error position (probability w=n); guess
the error value (probability 1=(q1)); correct the error; apply the (w1)-error-
correcting algorithm. If the guess does not nd the desired c 2 C, try again.
This procedure takes (q 1)n=w repetitions on average. With more repeti-
tions one can condently listall c 2 C at distance w; but I will focus on the
eort required to nd aparticularc 2 C at distance w. Note that in the pre-
vious sections there was no reason to distinguish between these problems: the
algorithms in the previous sections find all answers at almost exactly the same
cost as finding the first answer.
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