Cryptography Reference
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2.4 Strongly Unforgeable One-Time Signature
We now review the definition and the security of signature schemes. A signature
scheme Σ =( Gen , Sign , Ver ) consists of three PPT algorithms . Gen takes as
input a parameter λ , it outputs a verification key vk and a signing key sk ,
( vk, sk )
Gen ( λ ). Sign takes as input a signing key sk , and a message m ,it
outputs a signature σ
Sign ( sk, m ). Ver takes as input a verification key vk ,a
message m , and a signature σ , it outputs 0 / 1
Ver ( vk,m,σ ).
We define the strong existential unforgeability under one-time chosen message
attack. Consider the following experiment between a challenger and an adversary
Experiment Exp ots - suf - cma
( λ )
( vk, sk )
Gen ( λ )
←A SIGN ( sk,· ) ( find,vk )
If Ver ( vk, m ) = 1, then return 1 else return 0
where the oracle SIGN ( sk, m ) returns σ
( m )
Sign ( sk, m )and
at most one query to oracle SIGN ( sk,
is said to win the Experiment if (1)
Ver ( vk, m )=1;(2)( m, σ )
=( m ). We define the advantage of
the above experiment as Adv ots - suf - cma
( λ )=Pr[ Exp ots - suf - cma
( λ )=1] . A
one-time signature scheme Σ is said to be strongly unforgeable under chosen
message attacks if the advantage function is negligible in λ for all PPT
3M inCon ru on
We describe our construction in this section. In [10], Dodis and Katz provided a
formal definition of multiple encryption, and pointed out that threshold encryp-
tion is an application of multiple encryption. They also show how to construct
a scheme with their highest security, i.e. strong MCCA. In this section we use
weaker components to construct threshold schemes.
=( TGen , TEnc , TDec ) be a tag-based encryption, SS =( Share , Rec )
be a secret sharing scheme, Σ =( Gen , Sign , Ver ) be a one-time signature scheme.
We assume that the shares of
are in the message space of
verification key is in the tag space of
. We construct a generic threshold
encryption scheme as follows:
ThGen : For i =1 , ..., n ,Let( pk i ,dk i )
TGen ( λ ), and set PK =( pk 1 , ..., pk n ),
and −− SK =( dk 1 , ..., dk n ). Send decryption key dk i to server i by a trusted
ThEnc : Given a plaintext m .Let( s 1 , ..., s n )= Share ( m ), and ( vk, sk )
Gen ( λ ),
use vk as the tag for tag-based encryption. Set c i = TEnc ( pk i ,vk,s i ), then,
compute the signature σ = Sign ( sk, c 1 , ..., c n ). It outputs c =( c 1 , ..., c n ,
vk, σ ).
ThDec : Given a ciphertext c . For each server i ,parses c as ( c 1 , ..., c n ,vk,σ ), and
checks the signature. If Ver ( vk, c 1 , ..., c n ) = 0, output
; else computes
s i = TDec ( dk i ,vk,c i ) using the private key dk i . It returns the decryption
share δ i = s i .
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