Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
ThCom : Given a set of all decryption shares S =( δ 1 , ..., δ n ). It outputs m =
Rec ( s 1 , ..., s n ).
Theorem 1.
THE constructed above is a CCA secure threshold encryption with
thresholds t p , t f , t r , t s ,if TBE is selective-tag CCA secure, SS is ( t p ,t f ,t r ,t s ,n )
secure, and Σ
is one-time strongly unforgeable under chosen message attacks.
Robustness thresholds t f , t r , t s follow immediately from those of the secret shar-
ing scheme. We now argue message privacy. We will use the following useful
Lemma 1. Let S 1 , S 2 and R be events defined on some probability space. Sup-
pose that the event S 1 ∧¬
R occurs if and only if
S 2 ∧¬
R occurs. Then
Pr[ S 1 ]
Pr[ S 2 ]
Pr[ R ] .
We now define a sequence of games between a simulator and an adversary
Before defining the games, we define two “global” aspects in all the games. First,
the simulator chooses a one-time signature key pair ( vk ,sk )
Gen ( λ ). Second,
submits m 0 ,m 1 , the simulator uses ( vk ,sk ) instead of generating
a new one-time signature key pair to generate the challenge ciphertext c .
Game 0 : This game is identical to the threshold encryption CCA experiment.
At the beginning,
chooses t p servers to corrupt. W.l.o.g we assume that
corrupts servers
. The simulator runs the key generation al-
gorithm ThGen to obtain the public key PK =( pk 1 , ..., pk n ), and decryption
keys −− SK =( dk 1 , ..., dk n ). Then the simulator gives the public key PK ,and
dk n−t p +1 , ..., dk n to
t p +1 , ..., n
can make queries to uncorrupted servers with ci-
phertext c , and the simulator decrypts c with the corresponding decryption
key and returns the decryption share. After that
chooses two plaintexts m 0 , m 1 ,
and gives them to the simulator. The simulator chooses b
0 , 1
at random
and returns c
.Wedenote c
=( c 1 , ..., c n ,vk ).
ThEnc ( PK,m b )to
obtains c , it still can make queries to uncorrupted servers with cipher-
= c , and obtains decryption shares. At the end of the game,
text c
b ∈{
denote the event that b = b , apparently we
0 , 1
as the guess of b .Let X 0
( λ )= Pr[ X 0 ]
2 .
have Adv the - cca
Game 0 : This Game is identical to Game 0 , except that when
queries c =
( c 1 , ..., c n ,vk,σ ), if vk = vk , then the simulator outputs
. Otherwise out-
puts the decryption share. Let X 0 denote the event b = b in this game. Let
F denote the event that
= c , vk = vk and
Ver ( vk, c 1 , ..., c n ) = 1. Actually, if this event occurs with non-negligible prob-
ability, we can construct a adversary
queries c =( c 1 , ..., c n ,vk,σ ), c
to attack the one-time signature scheme.
Obviously X 0 and X 0 are identical unless F occurs. We claim:
Lemma 2. Pr[ F ] is negligible.
The proof of this lemma is given in section 3.1. According to Lemma 1 and
Lemma 2, we have Pr [ X 0 ]
Pr [ X 0 ] is negligible.
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