Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Human bone is comprised of collagen fibers (mainly type I) and nano-sized hydroxyapatite crystals.
Hence, synthetic hydroxyapatite/collagen fiber composites are promising in mimicking and replac-
ing bone. Only a few studies have incorporated collagen into moldable, self-setting calcium phosphate
cements [40,41] . In one study, collagen decreased the strength of the cement [40] , whilst in another study,
collagen decreased the cell activities in vitro [41] . Therefore, there is a need to develop an in situ -setting
collagen-calcium phosphate cement composite with increased cell attachment and increased toughness.
In a recent study, a type I bovine collagen fiber (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) was added to CPC to
develop an in situ -setting, bone-mimicking, nano-apatite-collagen composite [42] . Bovine Achilles ten-
don was cleaned of all noncollagenous tissue and extracted at a temperature of 0°C with a 3% Na 2 HPO 4
solution to remove soluble proteins. To remove mucopolysaccharides, the tendon was extracted with a
25% KCl solution. The resultant collagen was washed with water, dehydrated with absolute alcohol, and
air dried. The collagen was in the form of elongated, flexible bundles, with a bundle diameter ranging
from approximately 0.1 to 3 μm. The length of the bundles ranged from about 20 to 100 μm [42] .
The CPC powder was mixed with distilled water to form a paste to which the collagen fibers
were added and incorporated by mixing. The following collagen mass fractions of collagen/
(collagen CPC) were used: 0%, 2.5%, and 5.0%. Figure 12.3A shows collagen fibers covered with
small hydroxyapatite crystals that make up the CPC matrix [42] . This indicates an intimate contact
between collagen fibers and hydroxyapatite crystals. The work-of-fracture (or toughness, which mea-
sures the energy required to fracture the specimen) ( Figure 12.3B ) was increased from (9.4 3.1)
J/m 2 with 0% collagen to (430 103) J/m 2 with 5% collagen ( P 0.05) at a powder: liquid ratio
(P/L) of 2.5. At a P/L of 3, the work-of-fracture was increased from (22.2 3.8) J/m 2 without col-
lagen to (381 119) J/m 2 with 5% collagen ( P 0.05). Figure 12.3C shows cell attachment for 1 day
on CPC-collagen composite. Increasing the collagen content increased the cell number per specimen
area ( P 0.05). The number of cells/area was 382 99 cells/mm 2 at 5% collagen, which was higher
than ( P 0.05) that at 0% collagen (173 42 cells/mm 2 ) [42] . Hence, the incorporation of collagen
fibers into CPC not only improved its toughness but also increased the osteoblastic cell attachment.
To improve the mechanical properties for load-bearing dental and orthopedic applications, chitosan and
absorbable fibers were used to reinforce CPC. Chitosan and its derivatives are natural polymers that are
biocompatible, biodegradable, and osteoconductive [43] . Chitosan has been shown to strengthen and
increase toughness of CPC [44] , and resist the washout of CPC paste in physiological solution as well
as accelerate CPC setting [33] . Chitosan lactate (referred to as chitosan; VANSON, Redmond, WA)
was dissolved in water at concentrations of 0%, 5%, 10%, or 15% to form CPC liquids.
Polyglactin fibers (Ethicon) were mixed into the CPC paste to form a composite paste, which was
placed into a rectangular mold of 3 mm 4 mm 25 mm [32] . A fiber volume fraction of 20% was
used to obtain a CPC-chitosan-fiber paste that was readily mixed and not dry. The fiber volume frac-
tion was equal to the volume of fibers divided by the volume of the entire specimen. The paste in the
mold was set in a humidor with 100% relative humidity at 37°C.
Figure 12.4 plots the results from the single-load, three-point flexure (mean SD; n 6) [45] .
CPC with 15% chitosan reached strength of 16.2 3.0 MPa, higher ( P 0.05) than MPa for CPC
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