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For the primes where there is bad reduction, the cubic x 3 + Ax + B has
multiple roots mod p . If it has a triple root, we say that E has additive
reduction mod p . Ifithasadoublerootmod p ,ithas multiplicative re-
duction . Moreover, if the slopes of the tangent lines at the singular point (see
Theorem 2.31) are in F p ,wesaythat E has split multiplicative reduction
mod p . Otherwise, it has nonsplit multiplicative reduction .
To treat the primes p =2and p = 3, we need to use the general Weierstrass
form for E . For simplicity, we have ignored these primes in the preceding
discussion. However, in the example below, we'll include them.
There are many possible equations for E with A, B ∈ Z . We assume that
A, B are chosen so that the reduction properties of E are as good as possible.
In other words, we assume that A and B are chosen so that the cubic has the
largest obtainable number of distinct roots mod p ,andthepowerof p in the
discriminant 4 A 3 +27 B 2 is as small as possible, for each p .Itcanbeshown
that there is such a choice of A, B . Such an equation is called a minimal
Weierstrass equation for E .
Example 14.1
Suppose we start with E given by the equation
y 2 = x 3
270000 x + 128250000 .
2 8 3 12 5 12 11, so E has good reduction except
possibly at 2 , 3 , 5 , 11. The change of variables
The discriminant of the cubic is
x =25 x 1 ,
y = 125 y 1
transforms the equation into
y 1 = x 1 432 x 1 + 8208 .
2 8 3 12 11, so E also has good reduction at
5. This is as far as we can go with the standard Weierstrass model. To treat
2 and 3 we need to allow generalized Weierstrass equations. The change of
The discriminant of the cubic is
x 1 =9 x 2 12 ,
1 =27 y 2
changes the equation to
y 2 = x 2 4 x 2 +16 .
The discriminant of the cubic is
2 8 11, so E has good reduction at 3. Since
any change of variables can be shown to change the discriminant by a square,
this is the best we can do, except possibly at the prime 2. The change of
x 2 =4 x 3 ,
2 =8 y 3 +4
changes the equation of E to
y 3 + y 3 = x 3 − x 3 .
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