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Then we obtain the elliptic curve E 3 given by
Y 3 = X 3 2 aX 3 +( a 2
4 b ) X 3 .
The map α : E
E 3 is the same as the isogeny of Example 12.3.
The elliptic curve E 3 has (0 , 0) as a point of order 2. Repeating the proce-
dure for E 3 yields an isogeny to the elliptic curve
E 4 : Y 4 = X 4 +4 aX 4 +16 bX 4
X 4 = X 3 + 2 aX 3 + a 2
( a 2
4 b
4 b ) Y 3
X 3
4 = Y 3
X 3
Let X 5 = X 4 / 4 ,Y 5 = Y 4 / 8. Then
Y 5 = X 5 + aX 5 + bX 5 ,
which is the equation of our original elliptic curve E . A calculation shows
that in the map E
E ,
x → X 5 = 3 x 2 +2 ax + b
− a − 2 x,
2 y
which is exactly the formula for the x -coordinate of 2( x, y ). A similar calcu-
lation for the y -coordinate tells us that the map E → E is multiplication by
Insummary,wehaveanisogeny α : E → E 3 and an isogeny α : E 3 → E
such that α ◦ α is multiplication by 2. The map α is an example of a dual
12.4 Point Counting
In Section 4.5, we discussed the method of Schoof for counting the number
of points on an elliptic curve over a finite field. In the present section, we
briefly sketch some work of Elkies and Atkin that uses isogenies to improve
the eciency of Schoof's algorithm.
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over F p .The p -power Frobenius endo-
morphism satisfies φ 2
−aφ + p = 0 for some integer a ,and# E ( F p )= p +1 −a .
Therefore, to count the number of points in E ( F p ), it suces to find a .
Let = p be prime. Since the case = 2 can be treated as in Section 4.5,
assume is odd. The goal is to compute a (mod ). As in Schoof's algorithm,
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