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LEMMA 11.30
Let A and B be finiteabe ian groups (w ritten additively) such that nx =0
for all x ∈ A and for all x ∈ B .Supposethat there is a nondegenerate(in
botharguments) bilinear pairing
, : B × A → μ n ,
where μ n isthe group of n throotsofunity(insomefie d). Let C be a su bgrou p
of B . D efine
ψ : A −→
μ n
c, a
) .
# ψ ( A )=# C.
The pairing is nondegenerate, so A Hom( B, μ n ). Clearly,
Ker ψ =
c, a
=1forall c
Identifying A with the set of homomorphisms from B to μ n , we see that
Ker ψ = {f ∈ Hom( B, μ n ) | f ( C )=1 }.
But a homomorphism that sends C to1isexactlythesameasahomo-
morphism from B/C to μ n . The set of such homomorphisms has order
#( B/C )=# B/ # C . Therefore (see Theorem B.6 in Appendix B)
# ψ ( A )=# A/ #Ker ψ =# A/ #( B/C )=# C,
since # A =# B . This proves the lemma.
We can now apply the above to the elliptic curve E .Let
ψ : E [ n ] −→
μ n
E (
F q )[ n ]
Q −→ ( ··· ,e n ( P, Q ) , ··· ) .
LEMMA 11.31
Let φ = φ q be the q th pow er Frobenius endom orphism
of E .Then Ker ψ =
( φ − 1) E [ n ] .
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