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LEMMA 11.27
A ssu m e that the pairing
: B
μ n is nondegeneratein A (that is, if
b, a
=1 for all b
B ,then a =0 ).
(a) T he m ap A
ψ a isinjective.
(b) If # A =# B ,then the pairing isalso nondegeneratein B .
Hom( B, μ n ) given by a
Suppose ψ a is the trivial homomorphism. This means that
b, a
ψ a ( b ) = 1 for all b
B . The nondegeneracy in A implies that a =0. This
proves (a).
B 1 = {b ∈ B |b, a =1forall a ∈ A}.
Then each a ∈ A gives a well-defined homomorphism β a : B/B 1 → μ n
given by β a ( b mod B 1 )= b, a . f β a is the trivial homomorphism, then
b, a =1forall b ∈ B , which means that a = 0. Therefore, A injects
into Hom( B/B 1 n ), which has order # B/ # B 1 , by Lemma 11.26. Since
# A =# B ,wemusthave# B 1 =1. But B 1 = 0 is exactly what it means for
the pairing to be nondegenerate in B . This proves (b).
A converse of part (b) of Lemma 11.27 holds.
LEMMA 11.28
: B
μ n is nondegenerateinboth A and B .Then # A =
# B .Infact, A
Hom( B, μ n ) and B
Hom( A, μ n ) .
By Lemma 11.27, we have an injection from A to Hom( B, μ n ),
so # A
#Hom( B, μ n )=# B . Reversing the roles of A and B ,wehave
# B
#Hom( A, μ n )=# A . Therefore, # A =# B , and the injections are
LEMMA 11.29
Let M be a finiteabe ian group and let α : M
M be a hom om orphism .
#Ker α =# M/ # α ( M ) .
By Theorem B.6 (in Appendix B),
# M =(#Ker α )(# α ( M )) .
The result follows.
The following technical lemma is the key to proving the nondegeneracy of
the Tate-Lichtenbaum pairing.
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