Cryptography Reference
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The above technique can be used to produce an elliptic curve E and a prime
p such that E ( F p ) is a desired group (when such a curve exists). For example,
suppose we want
E ( F p ) Z 2 Z 2 Z 63 .
We take
N = 252 ,
p = 271 ,
p =20 ,
so N = p +1
a p . We choose
τ = 1+ 171
As we'll see below, this choice imposes certain congruence conditions on the
Frobenius map that force E ( F p ) to have the desired form. We computed the
polynomial satisfied by j ( τ ) above. This polynomial has the root 5 mod 271.
Putting this value into the formula (10.4) yields the elliptic curve E given by
y 2 = x 3 +70 x + 137
(mod 271) .
It has 252 points and has complex multiplication by the order
R = Z 1+ 171
171 = a p
of discriminant
4 p . The characteristic polynomial of the Frobe-
nius endomorphism φ p is
X 2
20 X + 271 ,
so φ p corresponds to a root 10 ± 171. The choice of sign is irrelevant
for our purposes (it corresponds to how we choose to identify R with the
endomorphism ring), so we assume
φ p =10+ 171 .
φ p =1+2 4+ 1+
1(mod R ) .
It follows that φ p acts as the identity on points of order 2, so E ( F p )hasa
subgroup isomorphic to Z 2
Z 2 .Infact,
E [2] = {∞, (40 , 0) , (56 , 0) , (175 , 0) }⊂E ( F p ) .
Since 252 = 4 × 63,
E ( F p ) Z 2 Z 2 Z 63 .
If we in stead want the group to be cyclic of order 252, we could use R =
Z [ 171] so that φ p wouldnotbecongruentto1mod2ormod3. Wewould
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