Cryptography Reference
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as desired. There is a slight complication caused by the fact that we might
a p in place of a p . We'll discuss this below.
In order to keep the number of τ k 's small, we want D , in th e above notation,
to be small. This means that we should have a p near
2 p . A choice that
works well for us is
p = 54787 ,
p = 465 ,
D = 2923 .
There are six values τ k , corresponding to the polynomials aX 2 + bX + c with
( a, b, c )=(1 , 1 , 731) , (17 , ± 1 , 43) , (11 , ± 5 , 67) , (29 , 21 , 29) .
We obtain a polynomial P ( X ) of degree 6 with integer coe cients, as above.
Oneoftherootsof P ( X )mod p is j = 46514. Recall (see Section 2.7) that
3 j
2 j
y 2 = x 3 +
j x +
is an elliptic curve E 1 with j -invariant equal to j . In our case, we obtain
y 2 = x 3 + 10784 x + 43714
(mod 54787) .
The point Q =(1 , 36185) lies on E 1 . However, we find that
54323 Q = ∞,
55253 Q = ∞.
55253 = p +1+465 ,
we discover that we have obtained a curve E 1 with a p = 465 instead of a p =
465. This curve has complex multiplication by the order R of discriminant
D = a p
4 p , so the sign of a p is irrelevant for D ), so it is
natural for it to appear. To obtain the desired curve, we twist by a quadratic
nonresidue mod p (see Exercise 4.10). A quick computation shows that 2 is
not a square mod p ,sowelookatthecurve E defined by
D (note that
y 2 = x 3 +4 · 10784 x +8 · 43714
(mod 54787) .
This has N points mod p . Just to be sure, we can compute
54323 (3 , 38039) = ∞.
Since 54323 is prime, we find that 54323 divides the number of points in
E ( F p ). But
54323 >p +1+2 p,
so Hasse's theorem implies that
# E ( F p ) = 54323 .
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