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See pages 1724{1725 of Banerjee and Wellner (2001) for the exact nature of
the scaling relations, from which it follows that
f(g a;b (h)) 2 (g a;b (h)) 2 gdh d a 2 Z
f(g 1;1 (h)) 2 (g 1;1 (h)) 2 gdh:
It follows from the definition of a 2
RSS( 0 ) ! d 0 (1 0 )D:
Thus, RSS= 0 (1 0 ) is an asymptotic pivot and confidence sets can be ob-
tained via inversion in the usual manner. Note that the inversion does not
involve estimation of f(t 0 ). Now, the RSS is not quite the LRS for testing
F(t 0 ) = 0 although it is intimately connected to it. First, the RSS can be
interpreted as a working likelihood ratio statistic where, instead of using the
binomial log-likelihood, we use a normal log-likelihood. Second, up to a scal-
ing factor, RSS( 0 ) is asymptotically equivalent to LRS( 0 ). Indeed, from the
derivation of the asymptotics for LRS( 0 ), which involves Taylor expansions
one can see that
RSS( 0 )
0 (1 0 )
= LRS( 0 ) + o p (1) ;
the Taylor expansions give a second-order quadratic approximation to the
Bernoulli likelihood, effectively reducing LRS( 0 ) to RSS. The third-order
term in the expansion can be neglected as in asymptotics for the MLE and
likelihood ratios in classical parametric settings. I should point out here that
the form ofDalso follows from considerations involving an asymptotic test-
ing problem where one observes a process X(t) = W(t) + F(t), with F(t)
being the primitive of a monotone function f and W being standard Brown-
ian motion onR. This is an asymptotic version of the \signal + noise" model
where the \signal" corresponds to f and \noise" can be viewed as dW(t) (the
point of view is that Brownian motion is generated by adding up little bits of
noise; think of the convergence of a random walk to Brownian motion under
appropriate scaling). Taking F(t) = t 2 , which gives Brownian motion plus
quadratic drift and corresponds to f(t) = 2t, consider the problem of testing
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