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demonstrate such an extension to target parameters of the form
E (Y a jV = v) log m (a;v)
(P) = argmax
(1 E (Y a jV = v)) log (1 m (a;v))
Q V (dv)
where V is a subset of the baseline covariates L(0) = M 0 , V is a collection of
values for V , h is some weight function, m is a function of (a;v) indexed by
a nite-dimensional parameter = ( 1 ; 2 ;:::; R ) for R 2Nand such that
m (a;v)
1 m (a;v)
r z r (a;v)
for some real functions z 1 ;z 2 ;:::;z R of (a;v), and Q V is the probability dis-
tribution of V . The function m represents a working model for the coun-
terfactual mean E(Y a jV = v), where we have assumed the causal framework
of Section 8.4. Under causal assumptions previously stated, the parameter
may be written as a statistical parameter depending on P through Q =
( Q 0 m+2 ; Q 0 m+1 ;:::; Q 0 ; Q 1 m+2 ; Q 1 m+1 ;:::; Q 0 ;Q V ), where, for k 2f1; 2;:::;m+2g,
Q k is defined as in Section 8.4, and we have redefined
Q 0 as the function
Q 0 (v) = E( Q 1 jV = v) :
Specifically, we may consider the statistical parameter
Q 0 (v) log m (a;v)
1 Q 0 (v) log (1 m (a;v))
(Q) = argmax
Q V (dv)
which will agree with the target parameters under the causal assumptions
imposed and at the true data-generating distribution.
In order to construct a targeted minimum loss-based estimator of 0 =
(Q 0 ), where Q 0 = Q(P 0 ), we require the specification of appropriate loss
functions and fluctuation sub-models. The loss functions defined in Section 8.4
will be utilized in this section as well. However, for each k 2f0; 1;:::;m + 1g,
we define the sum loss function
L k;a ( Q k ;
Q k+1 )
L k (Q k ; g k ) =
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