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where Q 0 is the limit in probability of the targeted minimum loss-based esti-
mator Q n of Q 0 . In this case, the asymptotic variance 2
of p n( n 0 ) can
be estimated consistently by
^ n =
D (Q n ;g n )(O i ) 2 :
If, however, g 0 is unknown but consistently estimated by g n , a maximum
likelihood estimator in some model G, then the influence curve of n is
IC 1 = D (Q 0 ;g 0 ) Y h
D (Q 0 ;g 0 )
where Q [ jT(G)] is the operator projecting onto the tangent space T(G)
functions in the Hilbert space L 0 (P 0 ) of square-integrable mean-zero functions
with inner product hf;gi = R f(o)g(o)dP 0 of Because computation of the
involved projection may sometimes be quite involved, ^ n may be used, in
practice, as a conservative estimate of 2 .
Asymptotic confidence intervals can easily be constructed using the asymp-
totic linearity of n as well as the Central Limit Theorem. Precisely, denoting,
for each 2 (0; 1), the -quantile of the standard normal distribution by z ,
the interval defined as
r ^ n
r ^ n
n z 1=2
n ; n + z 1=2
will have asymptotic coverage no smaller than 1, with equality occurring,
in particular, when g n = g 0 . Similarly, given a xed 2R, a test of the null
hypothesis 0 = at asymptotic level no larger than is obtained by rejecting
the null hypothesis if and only if the test statistic
p n( n )
p ^ n
T n =
is larger than z 1=2 . Once more, an exact asymptotic level of will be at-
tained when g n = g 0 .
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