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where h(h 1 ;h 2 ;:::;h q )i represents the set of all functions that may be approxi-
mated arbitrarily well by linear combinations of components of (h 1 ;h 2 ;:::;h q ),
then the targeted minimum loss-based estimator of 0 will be locally ecient
and will generally enjoy certain robustness properties relative to model mis-
A more general, component-wise targeted minimum loss-based estimation
procedure can often be devised when the parameter Q of P upon which
depends can be written as a function of other parameters (Q 1 ;Q 2 ;:::;Q J ),
so that (Q) = 1 (Q 1 ;Q 2 ;:::;Q J ) for some parameter 1 . Suppose that, for
each j 2 f1; 2;:::;Jg, there exists a loss function L j : (
G j ) R m !R +
Q j ;
such that
Q j;0 = argmin
Q j 2 Q j
L j (Q j ;g j;0 )(o)dP 0 (o)
G j = fg j (P) : P 2Mg, Q j;0 = Q j (P 0 ), g j is
a nuisance parameter, and g j;0 = g j (P 0 ). Suppose further that, for each j 2
f1; 2;:::;Jg and given Q j 2
Q j = fQ j (P) : P 2Mg,
Q j with
finite-dimensional parameter j and typical element Q j ( j ) can be constructed
such that Q j (0) = Q j . If estimators Q j;n and g j;n of Q j;0 and g j;0 are available
for each j 2f1; 2;:::;Jg, then a variety of estimate uctuation schemes can be
Q j , a fluctuation sub-model Q j (Q j )
constructed whereby, in a particular ordering, the current estimate of each Q j
is updated using the corresponding fluctuation sub-model and loss function.
In each of these steps, estimates of the nuisance parameter g j , that will often
depend on some components of (Q 1 ;Q 2 ;:::;Q J ), may also be updated based
on current estimates of the latter. The targeted minimum loss-based estimator
presented below is an example of such. There will generally exist many possible
iterative updating schemes that will define different targeted minimum loss-
based estimators; under certain regularity conditions, however, these different
estimators will usually exhibit identical asymptotic behavior. In particular, if
the ecient influence curve D (Q;g) of (Q) can be shown to be an element
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