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we denote this relevant part of P by Q(P). The parameter (P) is sometimes
written as (Q) to emphasize the dependence of on Q alone. Dene
fQ(P) : P 2 Mg to be the class of all possible Q under M. Second, a loss
) R m !R +
function L : (
such that
Q 0 = argmin
Q2 Q
L(Q; g 0 )(o)dP 0 (o)
should be constructed, where Q 0 = Q(P 0 ) and g 0 = g(P 0 ), with g(P) defined
to be some nuisance parameter taking values in
= fg(P) : P 2Mg. Finally,
for each given Q 2
Q, a uctuation sub-model, say Q(Q) = fQ() 2
Q: kk <
g for some > 0 and a nite-dimensional parameter , satisfying Q(0) = Q,
is required. Suppose estimators Q n of Q 0 and g n of g 0 are available. Then,
the TMLE algorithm is defined recursively as follows: given an estimator Q n
of Q 0 , set
Q k+1
= argmin
Q2Q(Q n )
L(Q; g n )(O i ) ;
repeat until convergence, and take n = (Q n ), where Q n = lim k!1 Q n , to
be the targeted minimum loss-based estimator of 0 .
If the initial estimator Q n is consistent for Q 0 , then the consistency of
n is guaranteed. However, even if Q n fails to be consistent for Q 0 , it may
be possible, in many instances, that n is consistent for 0 provided fluctu-
ation sub-models are cleverly constructed. The targeted minimum loss-based
estimator Q n of Q 0 will satisfy the estimating equation
Z d
d L(Q n (); g n )(o)
dP n (o) = 0
where P n is the empirical distribution based on observations O 1 ;O 2 ;:::;O n .
This equation is the basis for the study of the weak convergence of p n( n 0 ).
If the fluctuation model is constructed in such a manner as to ensure that the
ecient influence curve D (Q;g) of (Q) is contained in the closure of the
linear span of the loss-based score at = 0, that is,
d L(Q(); g)
D (Q;g) 2
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