Cryptography Reference
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prime, g is a generator modulo p , and y is the lnr of g a modulo p . Suppose d is a public mes-
sage digest function. To generate a signed digest of a message P , A must do the following:
Select a random integer k between 1 and p 2 (inclusive), such that k is relatively prime
to p 1.
Calculate r , the lnr of g k modulo p .
Find k , an inverse of k modulo p 1. (This inverse exists due to our choice of k .)
Calculate s , the lnr of k ( d ( P ) ar ) modulo ( p 1). (Only A can do this step, as only A
knows the private key a .)
The signature is the pair of integers, r and s .
To verify that this signature is valid, the recipient B must do this:
Verify that r is between 1 and p
1; if not, reject the signature.
Using A's public information, calculate v , the lnr of y r r s modulo p .
Calculate d ( P ), the digest of the message P .
Compute w , the lnr of g d ( P ) modulo p .
If v = w , accept the signature as valid; otherwise, reject it.
Why does this work? Well, because
s k ( d ( P ) ar ) (mod p 1),
we have
ks k k
( d ( P )
ar )
d ( P )
ar (mod p
Thus, by subtracting ar from both sides, we have
d ( P ) ar + ks (mod p 1).
Because of the properties of discrete logarithms, this then yields
g d ( P )
g ar ks (mod p ).
But note that by construction of v and w , and because of the previous congruence, we must
w g d ( P )
g ar ks
( g a ) r r s
y r r s
v (mod p ).
Thus, the signature is valid iff v = w .
E XAMPLE . For this example, we will use a simple hash function, but unsuitable for crypto-
graphic purposes. For simplicity's sake, we will not use salt, or CBC. Suppose A is using
the public prime
p = 768416655531999472553972503490662169854881508111468141690052585033772
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