Cryptography Reference
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Since the adversary knows that P 3 must be less than n 1
n 2
n 3, she simply needs to take
a normal cube root to retrieve the plaintext.
P = ( P 3 ) 1/3 = 32756283650823650923759023759082375092387509827590823759082735
Note that nowhere during this attack does the adversary need to know any of the private
info of any of the recipients. Of course, this attack can be circumvented by salting mes-
sages. Another way of getting around this attack is NOT to use a small encryption exponent
with RSA.
Common Modulus Attack It has also been suggested for RSA that all entities in a
system could use the same modulus n . Each user would choose their own distinct enci-
phering exponent e and its corresponding deciphering exponent d . However, a common
value for n is far worse than everyone using the same value for e , as it allows anyone know-
ing a single pair ( e * , d * ) of exponents to determine the private keys of everyone using the
same modulus. You should consider how this is done.
Java Algorithm Following are two methods in the Ciphers class to do encryption and
decryption using RSA. Neither salt nor CBC is used. Of course, these methods use the
helper methods in the Ciphers class to block, unblock, pad and unpad.
public static byte[] RSAEncipher(byte[] msg,BigInteger e,BigInteger n) {
//Compute the plaintext block size
int blockSize=(n.bitLength()-1)/8;
byte[][] ba=block(pad(msg,blockSize),blockSize);
//Begin the enciphering
for (int i=0;i<ba.length;i++) ba[i]=getBytes(new
//Return to a 1D array. The ciphertext block size is one byte greater than
plaintext block size.
return unBlock(ba,blockSize+1);
public static byte[] RSADecipher(byte[] msg,BigInteger d,BigInteger n) {
//Compute the ciphertext block size
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