Chemistry Reference
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t P - D 2
t P - C 2 ( z )
ts E-RPR ' - C 2 ( x )
ta Z-RPR ' - C 2 ( y )
Fig. 16 Three-dimensional projections of the twisted conformations of homomerous,
heteromerous, and disubstituted BAEs including their point group symmetry operators
t P - C 2 ( z ) and t M - C 2 ( z ) conformations. E -or Z -disubstitution may introduce syn -
folding or anti -folding, respectively. The various twisted conformations and their
point groups are illustrated in Fig. 16 .
Note that ts E-RPR 0 - C 2 ( x )andta Z-RPR 0 - C 2 ( y ) (and their enantiomers ts E-SMS 0 - C 2 ( x )
and ta Z-SMS 0 - C 2 ( y ), respectively) correspond to the case where the substituents
require additional out-of-plane deformation due to increased overcrowding as in
the 1,1'-difluoroderivatives of bifluorenylidene (2) [ 205 ]. Reduced out-of-plane defor-
mation at the substituents would lead to ts E-SPS 0 - C 2 ( x )andta Z-SPS 0 - C 2 ( y )(andtheir
enantiomers ts E-RMR 0 - C 2 ( x )andta Z-RMR 0 - C 2 ( y ), respectively) as illustrated in Fig. 17 .
anti -Folded Conformations
Symmetric anti -folded conformations of homomerous BAEs may have the point
group C 2h ( y ). Non-equivalent tricyclic moieties in heteromerous BAEs lead to au-
C s ( xz ) with unequal degrees of folding. E -Disubstitution leads to a E-RS 0 - C i . Note
that there is no twist of the central double bond due to symmetry constraints. The
folded substituted tricyclic moieties are chiral, albeit with opposite absolute
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