Chemistry Reference
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t ^ - D 2d
t ^ - C 2v ( d )
t ^ - C s ( d )
Fig. 15 Three-dimensional projections of the orthogonally twisted conformations of
homomerous, heteromerous, and monosubstituted BAEs including their point group symmetry
( z ) the central ethylene group is confined to planarity. However, the two tricyclic
moieties may be twisted out-of-plane like a propeller blade and thus non-planar.
Orthogonally Twisted Conformations
An orthogonally twisted t homomerous BAE may have D 2d symmetry. The point
group C 2v ( d ) is characteristic of orthogonally twisted heteromerous BAEs and C s
( d ) of monosubstituted BAEs (Fig. 15 ). Note that in disubstituted BAEs the
orthogonally twisted conformation has C 2 symmetry and is chiral. The torsion
angles of the central ethylene group are no longer symmetry constrained to
90 .
The symmetry properties of such a conformation are identical to, e.g., ts E-RPR 0 - C 2
( x )orta Z-RPR 0 - C 2 ( y ) (see above). However, the pure ethylenic twist
will be close
to 90 . Thus, the definitions of helicity ( P/M ) based on
as well as of E/Z and syn /
anti will depend on the small deviation from 90 . In this situation it is better to label
the two enantiomeric conformations ( P )or( M ) based on the torsion angle τ (C 9a -C 9 -
C 9 0 -C 9a 0 ), which will be either close to +90 or close to
90 and thus clearly
distinct (i.e., applying the concept of axial chirality; cf. Sect. 2.2 ). From a symmetry
point of view, t PM - S 4 is an interesting case. In this conformation, the two tricyclic
moieties are non-planar. They may, e.g., be propeller twisted with positive and
negative helicity, respectively, as indicated by the subscript PM . As a result, the
mirror planes
y )of D 2d are lost. However, the two
non-planar moieties are still equivalent and symmetry related by S 4 , and S 4 3 . The
torsion angles of the central ethylene group are constrained to
˃ d ( x
y ) and
˃ d ( x
90 . The confor-
mation is achiral, but both tricyclic moieties are chiral with opposite helicity.
Twisted Conformations
The symmetric twisted conformations of homomerous BAEs are classified as t P - D 2
and its enantiomer t M - D 2 . Non-equivalent moieties in heteromerous BAEs lead to
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