Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
I know where you can get a bumper sticker that proclaims “My Pet Makes Me Break-
COLD ANTLER FARM This is my personal blog—the source of many of the
journal entries you read here. If you want to keep up with my flock or read about the
latest farm antics day by day, grab a cup of coffee, log onto the site, and enjoy the show.
FEATHERSITE With plenty of photos and breed information, this online reference
of countless breeds and varieties of chickens and other fowl is a great place to do your
homework when picking out hens for your climate and conditions. You'll find lots of
encyclopedic information on those birds you dog-eared in your hatchery catalog.
URBAN-HOMESTEADING.COM Despite the name, this online resource for all things
self-reliant specializes in homesteading for both city and suburban dwellers.
Hatcheries and Chicken Supplies
Many local farm and feed shops sponsor “chick days” when they have bins full of birds
for you to choose from. These events are usually early in the spring.
Some local feed stores will special-order chicks for you. Since most hatcheries require
you to order quantities that are on the high side for the backyard flock, the advantage
of going through a store is that they'll put all customer orders in at once to meet those
minimums. While shopping at your neighborhood store, you'll meet someone face-to-
face who may have experience with chickens and can help hold your hand through the
There are also excellent online and catalog sources for everything you'll need for your
little farm, including the birds themselves!
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