Environmental Engineering Reference
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contains all current and archival information, generated by all processes, affecting
the realization of the production process. Information obtained from such a
concept allows for:
• streamlining the operational and material-inancial planning (budgeting),
• precise monitoring the realization of production and supply programs and their
deviations from the actual state,
• analysis of the state and indicating threat with the help of ratio analysis,
• correcting the plan and budget of the production process,
• responding to deviations in executing the plan and budget,
• carrying out analyses and forecasts of investment, projects and results,
• reporting, on the basis of which feedbacks will be generated.
5 Information System of Production Efficiency Modeling
and Management Through Processes of Supply Network
Partners in the production supply chain constantly develop information technology,
e-platforms of cooperation, cloud computing and other tools of integrating ERP
systems at vendors plants to help their customers respond to dynamic market con-
ditions and help them maintain their efficiency and competitive advantage. Depend
on the characteristics of the product, two distinct business process management of
supply chain configurations offer competitive advantage: one based on efficiency
and a second based on market responsiveness (Parmigiani et al. 2011 ).
Production process efficiency in ecological aspect is interconnected with influ-
encing product value over the complete supply network through deliberate shaping
of multidimensional process interdependencies of supply, production and distribu-
tion. The cross-sectional data of product flow, processes and resources of vendors
in supply network are aggregated in data warehouse shared between partners, inte-
grated and data processing for improving partner's processes efficiency (Fig. 4 ).
IT systems of SCM class are equipped with forecasting and planning functions of
production process and also configurations of supply network/chain.
SCM and Advanced Planning systems enable improve efficiency of production
processes in supply network by getting real-time data from suppliers, manufactur-
ers, retailers, logistics providers (and other), taking into account many complex
variables, such as manufacturing resources capacity, delivery schedule of raw
materials, master production schedule and productions cycles, to forecast of cus-
tomer demands (Sliwczynski 2011b ). According to Fig. 4 advanced planning func-
tions in SCM systems enable:
supply network/chain design and modeling —including: process mapping and
simulating, recording of chain/network resources descriptions, product defining,
process/resources parameters defining (e.g. capacity, throughput, order fulfil
time), control parameters and indicators defining (e.g. costs, efficiency, rotation,
service level), specifying emergency alarms and critical values,
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