Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Integrated data of supply, production and distribution
process shared between partners in supply network
Supply network/chain design and modeling
Demand planning
Process integration and allocation in supply net work
Production planning & detailed scheduling
Availability control
Fig. 4 IT technology and cross-sectional data of product, process and resources shared between
partners in supply network, own study
demand planning —including: collecting data from different sources/data
warehouses and repositories/for forecasting of market demand, interactive
forecasting in many processes and accuracy iteration, planning of product life
cycle management, carrying out predefined and self-defined tests on forecast
models and forecast results, cause analyses,
process integration and allocation in supply network —including: synchroni-
zation of operation for the whole supply chain (integrating purchasing, manu-
facturing, distribution, and transportation for simulation planning and sourcing
decisions), defining optimization criteria (using advanced optimization tech-
niques, based on constraints and penalties), building delivery schedules, demand
and deliveries balancing techniques, stock assignment and replenishment tech-
niques, scenarios of delivery strategies,
production planning and detailed scheduling —including: mechanisms of reac-
tion to demand changes, generating production plans under the condition of supply
chain resources optimization, planning production capacities and material require-
ments, scheduling (planograms, Gantt charts), resources using optimization, sched-
uling overdue and current orders in interaction to distribution and sales network,
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