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Imagine that user names bob , ted , carol , and alice are part of
carl and michael 's Web development team and each has an account on
the box on which we intend to install JBoss.
So, we create a group entry in the /etc/group file:
If Bob later leaves to join the custodial staff, simply remove his name
from the group and he loses his access.
The user's default group is specified in the /etc/passwd file. Here's a sample:
mschwarz:x:500:500:Michael Schwarz:/home/mschwarz:/bin/bash
The fields of this are:
username is the login name of the user.
passwd is the user's encrypted password. Or rather it used to be. Now,
this is usually x and the encrypted password is stored in the
/etc/shadow file. This is because /etc/passwd must be world-
readable. The shadow file is not. This prevents someone reading the
encrypted passwords to do an offline dictionary attack.
uid is the numeric user ID associated with this username.
gid is the numeric group ID of this user's default group. Look for this
number in /etc/group to find the name of the default group.
userinfo is additional information about this user. Sometimes called the
gecos field for obscure historical reasons, 5 this field usually stores the
user's real name and possibly other information like office location and
phone number.
homedir is the user's home directory.
loginprog is the name of the program that will be executed when the
user logs in. This is usually a shell, but it may be any program.
5. See if you are dying to
know why.
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