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There are two strategies that Linux distributions follow for assigning a default
group to a new user. One is to put all users into a group called staff or some
such. This is widely considered a security risk since it often leads to making files
accidentally readable or writable by all users on the system. The more common
method is to create a group for each user when the user is created.
If you get in the habit of creating groups, you might want to assign the numbers
systematically: 500-599 groups for programs, 600-699 groups for program in-
stallation, 700-799 groups for company departments to allow them to control
their own Web content, and so on.
2. Change group ownership of /usr/local .
Odds are, /usr/local already exists on your system. It may even
have several programs installed in it. You must give the group ownership
over everything in /usr/local and below. The chgrp command changes
the group owner of files, and the -R argument says to do so recursively:
# cd /usr/local
# chgrp -R local .
At this point, everything in /usr/local and below is group-owned
by the local group.
3. Set group permissions on /usr/local .
Basically, you want the group to be able to read and write everything
in /usr/local . To do this, you need to change the permissions on all the
files with the chmod . As with chgrp , this command takes a -R argument
that recursively walks the directory tree. We need to give everyone in the
group read and write permission on all the files:
# chmod -R g+rw .
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