Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
the Quicktime Viewer and FBX Converter. Also included is a full reference manual,
an introductory programmers guide, and many examples in C++ and Python to
aid your development.
22.4 FBX for QuickTime as a Game Development Tool
In a game development pipeline, assets are exported, imported, opened, modified,
and resaved frequently. The FBX plugin for the QuickTime application program is
a tool that can allow you to monitor your assets as they travel their way through
yourpipeline(see Figure22.2 ) .FBXfiles,whetherexportedfromadigitalcontent
creation package like Maya and 3ds Max or saved in an application like Motion-
Builder, can be viewed with this tool. It essentially allows you to have viewing
access to your game assets without a requirement for a 3D application to be in-
stalled and run.
22.4.1 A Tool for Previsualization
The FBX plugin for QuickTime allows you to view, interact with, and share 3D
scenes in a standalone player or embedded on a webpage. The experience of viewing
the file is similar to that of opening FBX files in MotionBuilder, as it's built from
the same technology. You have the freedom to orbit, pan, and dolly the scene using
familiar viewport controls. You can switch between camera views and animation
takes to evaluate the contents of your scene. The tool is commonly used in game
Figure 22.2. FBX file opened in QuickTime Player.
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